7:30 PM "Drain" (Drama)

Two lifelong friends, Gene (Charlie Steak) and Lenny (Jason J Baker) spend their days drifting through alleyways, begging for change and surviving on the streets . When an opportunity arises that could change both of their lives, Gene begins to doubt Lenny's methods of survival. As their journey winds down to a close, Gene must make a decision that will drastically affect both his life and the life of his only friend.

Stephen C. Krystek
(Director / Writer / Producer)
Stephen is an Arizona native with a passion for filmmaking and an abiding interest in the darker side of motion pictures. Initially a gifted website designer, he began making movies in 2006 with Not Quite Dead, a short film about a group of friends besieged by zombies. Forming the production company Synthetic Human Pictures, he joined forces with Hayden Blades, Casey Moore, and David Matteson. In addition to commercials they have made Tip Jar, Drain and Common Ground, directed by Stephen. Stephen is currently in production on a feature length documentary about rehabilitation through the Arizona prison system.
Production Team
Casey Moore (Producer)
Stephen C. Krystek (Writer / Producer / Director)
David Matteson (Producer / Cinematographer)
Haydon Blades (Writer / Producer / Editor)
"I selected Drain because it's a classic short
film, that's artistically fresh; with an eye for
editing, cinematography and sound design."
Barton Santello - Arivaca Independent Filmmakers Exposition